


Number format codes for ZEXMLSS

Number format

Placeholder Description
0 (zero) Displays zeros if there are fewer digits in the number value than in the number format.
Example: for display value 1.5 as 01.50 use "00.00" format code.
. (dot) Decimal delimiter.
# Does not display extra zeros.

Format Cell value Result
0.000 1.1 1.000
#.### 1.1 1.1
0.000 1.12345 1.123
#.### 1.12345 1.123

To include text in a number format for a cell value, place a text between double quotation marks (") or use backslash (\) before single character.
Format Cell value Result
0.00" meters" 12.14 12.14 meters
"length="0.00\m 12.14 length=12.14m


To set the color of a number format code, insert color names in square brackets [ ].
Color name Color as hex
[BLACK] #000000
[RED] #FF0000
[GREEN] #00FF00
[BLUE] #0000FF

Percent, fraction and scientific formats

To display numbers in a percentage style add percent symbol (%) in format.
To display numbers as fraction, use format like "0 ?/?".
To display numbers as exponential (scientific) notation, add character "E", symbol "+" or "-" and some 0 (zero).
If used symbol "-" in format then result omits symbol "+" for positive value of exponent.
Format Cell value Result
0.00% 1.23 123%
0 ?/? 0.5 1/2
0 ?/? 1.5 1 1/2
0.0E+00 12345.58 1.2E+04
0.0E+00 0.00052 5.2E-04
0.0E-00 12345.58 1.2E04
0.0E-00 0.00052 5.2E-04


Number format codes can be like "part1;part2;part3", where:
  • part1 - format code for positive values
  • part2 - format code for negative values
  • part3 - format code for zero
If number format contains 2 parts ("part1;part2") then:
  • part1 - format code for positive values and zero
  • part2 - format code for negative values
If needed apply format only in specific conditions, add condition enclosed in square brackets [] to format.
Possible operators: >, >=, <, <=, =, <>.
Format Cell value Result
0.00" (> 0)";-0.00" (< 0)";0.00" (= 0)" 100 100.00 (> 0)
0.00" (> 0)";-0.00" (< 0)";0.00" (= 0)" -100 -100.00 (< 0)
0.00" (> 0)";-0.00" (< 0)";0.00" (= 0)" 0 0.00 (= 0)
[<0][RED]"O_o";0.00" K" 273.15 273.15 K
[<0][RED]"O_o";0.00" K" -10 O_o

Date and time formats

Format code Description
YY Year as 00-99
YYYY Year as 1900-9999
M Month as 5
MM Month as 05
MMM Month as jan-dec
MMMM Month as January-December
MMMMM First letter of month name
D Day as 6
DD Day as 06
DDD Day of week as mon-sun
DDDD Day of week as Monday-Sunday
h Hour as 7
hh Hour as 07
m Minutes as 8
mm Minutes as 08
s Seconds as 9
ss Seconds as 09
ss.00 Seconds and milliseconds as 09.34
AM/PM Time in 12-hour clock convention

Text format

To display cell text in format use character @ (at).
Format Cell value Result
"prefix+"@ text prefix+text
@"+postfix" text text+postfix
@" repeat "@ text text repeat text


Copyright © 2006-2012 Ruslan V. Neborak