History of versions of ZEXMLSS
Code examples
V 0.0.15 2016.11.25
- Fixed a typo (AM/MP to AM/PM).
- Fixed error reading / writing logical type cells (ODS / excel XML).
V 0.0.14 A 2016.09.10
- Fixed compilation errors for Delphi 2009 (FormatSettings + SplitString).
- Added wrapper using SciZipFile (thanks Daniel Schnabel).
V 0.0.13 A r2 2016.08.02
- Fixed compilation errors for Delphi.
V 0.0.12 A 2016.07.10
- Improved import/export cells datetime for ODS.
V 0.0.11 A 2016.07.03
- Added scientific, percentage and fraction number formats.
- Aded number formats for text.
- Added number formats for datetime cells.
V 0.0.10 A 2015.11.27
- Supported simple number formats for cells (for now only for numbers).
- Fixed saving links in xlsx.
V 0.0.9 A 2015.11.08
- Added saving links for xlsx.
V 0.0.8 r3 2015.05.02
- Fixed bug with reading xlsx ugly formatting (after some report generators).
- Improved reading of indexed colors in xlsx.
V 0.0.8 r2 2015.04.04
- Added wrapper using KaZip for functions ReadXLSX, SaveXmlssToXLSX,
SaveXmlssToODFS and ReadODFS (thanks anonym!).
Actual fork of Kazip uses ZlibEx 1.2.8, which may be downloaded from here: http://www.base2ti.com
V 0.0.8 2015.03.22
- Added reading/writing page size, page orientation, scaling, header and footer for ODS.
- Fixed bug with styles in merged cell in xlsx.
V 0.0.7 2014.12.01
- Improved reading cell fills in xlsx (thanks Tomasz Wieckowski).
- Overloaded functions SaveXmlssTo* - needed less parameters.
- Added reading/writing conditional formatting in ODS.
- Added partially reading conditional formatting in xlsx.
- Improved reading cell types in xlsx.
- Improved reading sheets count in xlsx.
- Fixed bug with reading width of merged area in ODS.
- Fixed reading/writing empty sheets in xlsx.
- Fixed reading column width in xlsx.
- Fixed reading indexed colors in xlsx.
- Fixed bug with writing html formatting text in cell for excel xml format.
V 0.0.6 2013.02.23
- Rename: zexslx.pas -> zexlsx.pas (Arioch).
- Added by Arioch (the_Arioch[zzz]nm[#46]ru):
- zeZippy.pas: TZxZipGen simple bridge for using zip packers. Supports:
- zeZippyZipMaster.pas: TZipMaster by www.delphizip.org
- zeZippyXE2.pas: Delphi XE2 (System.Zip TZipFile)
- zeZippyJCL7z.pas: www.7-zip.org DLL via wrapper by jcl.sf.net
- zeZippyLazip.pas: Lazarus TZipper
- zeZippyAB.pas: TurboPower Abbrevia http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia/
- you can write wrapper for your favorite zip packer
- functions for export to packed ODS and XLSX with zeZippy: ExportXmlssToODFS and ExportXmlssToXLSX.
- zeSave.pas: IZXMLSSave/TZXMLSSave interface for saving into needed format (ods - zeSaveODS.pas; excel xml - zeSaveEXML.pas;
xlsx - zeSaveXLSX.pas).
- Added properties into TZCell: AsDouble and AsInteger.
- Cells rotating angle one for all formats (TZCellTextRotate from -180 to +359).
- etc.
- Added freeze and split for rows/column in sheet (TZSheetOptions: properties SplitVerticalMode,
SplitHorizontalMode, SplitVerticalValue and SplitHorizontalValue).
- zearchhelper.pas - functions for getting tmp path and create temporary dirs.
- (not used by default) for Delphi: in /delphizip/needed_packer
are *.inc for adding functions ReadXLSX, SaveXmlssToXLSX, SaveXmlssToODFS and ReadODFS. For now supported TurboPower Abbrevia and Synzip http://synopse.info
(Synzip not tested).
- Fixed bug on freeing stream in ReadXLSXPath.
- Added new bugs!
V 0.0.5 2012.08.12
- Added functions SaveXmlssToXLSXPath (Lazarus/Delphi) and SaveXmlssToXLSX (Lazarus) - export to xlsx.
- Fixed bug on reading repeated rows/columns from ODS.
- Improved reading colors and filling from xlsx.
- Fixed bug on reading zero-length xml files (TZsspXMLReader).
V 0.0.4 2012.07.04
- Added partially support (for now only import) for Office Open XML format (xlsx): ReadXSLXPath (Lazarus and Delphi) and ReadXSLX (Lazarus). See zexslx.pas.
- Added translation functions from A1 notation to R1C1 notation and from R1C1 to A1 (zeformula.pas): ZER1C1ToA1 and ZEA1ToR1C1.
- Added functions ReadODFSPath (Lazarus and Delphi) and ReadODFS (Lazarus) - import from ODS.
V 0.0.3 2012.04.09
- No warnings in Delphi >=2009.
- Added partially support (only export) for OpenDocument Format (ODS). See zeodfs.pas. For Lazarus: SaveXmlssToODFS and SaveXmlssToODFSPath;
for Delphi and CBuilder: SaveXmlssToODFSPath.
V 0.0.2 r2 2010.11.13
- Fixed bug on reading file in TZsspXMLReader class (zsspxml.pas).
V 0.0.2 2010.05.27
- Added class TZsspXMLReader (zsspxml.pas).
- Added function ReadEXMLSS - import xml spreadsheet (zexmlssutils.pas).
- Added new bugs.
V 0.0.1 2009.12.??
Copyright © 2006-2012 Ruslan V. Neborak